2024 Behavioral Health Training Summit
September 24 through 27, 2024 – Riverhouse on the Deschutes – Bend, Oregon
We are thrilled to invite you to an event dedicated to training and supporting the public behavioral health system workforce, serving community members across all stages of life. This year’s summit features our Mobile Crisis Training Academy as well as a wide array of training sessions. From prevention strategies to intensive treatment approaches, this comprehensive set of training programs is designed to enhance your skills in various service areas.
In addition to the enriching training sessions, we are proud to host several key events: the AOCMHP Annual Strategic Planning Meeting, the Alliance to Prevent Suicide Quarterly Meeting, and Mental Health First Aid Summit. These gatherings offer unique opportunities for collaboration and strategic planning with your peers across the state.
Join us for a dynamic and engaging conference, filled with valuable learning experiences and ample opportunities to network with your peers in the behavioral health system. We look forward to welcoming you and making this summit an unforgettable experience!
Trainings and Sessions Offered
Mobile Crisis Foundational Training Academy (3 Days)
9/24/24 – 9/26/24
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
This training is for new mobile crisis responders and supervisors, including QMHPs, QMHAs, Peer Support Specialists, and EMS workers. The core curriculum is presented by several subject matter experts and covers many of the training requirements in OAR 309-072-0120 (c), including de-escalation, crisis and safety planning, suicide risk screening, trauma-informed response, harm reduction techniques, and specialized responses for culturally specific groups and for people with co-occurring disorders. We also have Deeper Dive Specialty modules available separately for those interested in learning more about specific topics.
Integrated Co-Occurring Deeper Dive Trainings Day 1
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
A series of three hour trainings addressing important topics identified by Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Provider Programs:
Engaging Families and Social Support Networks in Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment. ( 4.0 hours)
The Integrated Dual Disorders Treatment (IDDT) model recommends multiple approaches to engaging and supporting families and social support networks in treatment and recovery. By facilitating and supporting change on the level of relational systems, we can support meaningful, sustained recovery. This training will use the family therapy approaches and supports outlined in Integrated Treatment for Dual Disorders (Mueser et. al.) as the foundation for exploring helpful clinical skills, knowledge and abilities for providing therapy and support for families and social support networks in Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment settings.
Problem Gambling: Brief Screening, Intervention and Support in Behavioral Health Settings. (2.0 hours)
This training will focus primarily on strategies and best practices for identifying, screening and addressing risky gambling behavior and gambling disorder in behavioral health treatment settings. A portion of the training will also be dedicated specifically to strategies and approaches for treatment risky gambling behavior and gambling disorder in Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Programs.
Eating Disorders: Identification, Screening, Treatment and Support in Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Settings. (2.0 hours)
This training will provide strategies for identifying, screening and addressing Eating Disorders in Integrated COD settings. The training will use the Integrated COD core training on Eating Disorders as a foundation for a deeper dive into specific needs of clinicians providing Integrated COD treatment.
Integrated Co-Occurring Deeper Dive Trainings Day 2
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Intellectual and Developmental Disorders and Serious Mental Illness in Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment. (4.0 hours)
This in-depth training will divide time between identification of strategies and approaches to co-occurring disorders treatment for people dealing with Serious Mental Illness and Intellectual and Developmental Disorders. We will then work with synthesizing approaches for both SMI and IDD in Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment.
Civil Commitment Investigator Training
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
The training is intended for those who are seeking their initial certification as an Investigator or want a refresher course and renewal of their certification.
This training provides an overview of the civil commitment process in Oregon for allegedly mentally ill persons. The goal of this course is to cover the continuum of care for persons who are involuntarily detained and treated for an acute mental illness, and the legal procedures that are followed in this process. This course meets the prerequisite for initial and recertification as a Mental Health Investigator as set forth in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 309-033-0920 and OAR 309-033-0950.
The participant will receive resources and information on evaluation of the mentally ill person, civil commitment in Oregon, the relevant Oregon Revised Statues (ORS) and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) and complete the training requirements as listed below.
- The role and duties of an investigator and examiner and the due process rights of investigation and examination.
- Link to the Oregon statutes and administrative rules relating to the civil commitment of allegedly mentally ill persons.
- Appellate Court Rulings that clarify the elements of evidence required to meet the clear and convincing criteria for civil commitment.
- The assessment and evidence requirements of suicidality, assaultiveness, homocidality and inability to care for basic needs for civil commitment purposes.
- Assisted Outpatient Treatment
- Application of the civil commitment OAR and ORS and Appellate Court Case law to determine when to recommend a person move forward with civil commitment.
- Preparation for writing an Investigator’s Report
- The process of and stages of implementing a civil commitment investigation
- Including video interviewing
- Decisions around less restrictive alternatives
- Collaboration with other professionals
- Problem solving around complex cases.
- Investigative Report strategies
- Providing testimony in court
- Role and purpose of the examiner in civil commitment hearing
- Clinician selfcare
An additional four-hour session on Post Commitment processes will be offered on Wednesday, September 25, 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
Civil Commitment Investigator Training – Post Commitment Processes
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
An additional four-hour session on Post Commitment processes.
Critical Incident and Stress Management Training (CISM) (3 Days)
9/24/23 – 9/26/23
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
*Application and approval required prior to registering. Link to application found here.*
This training is designed for behavioral health workers to develop skills to help individuals cope with their exposure to traumatic events. Trained peer support personnel assess employees’ levels of dysfunction, supply information that helps “normalize” symptoms/reactions, teach simple coping techniques to some, and identify those who may need additional psychological care and assist them in finding it.
Trauma, Dissociation, and Psychosis: CBT and Other Approaches to Understanding and Recovery (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
A large number of studies now provide strong evidence that psychosis is often an understandable reaction to trauma, abuse, and other difficult life experiences. This training will introduce you to a science based yet humanistic conceptualization of extreme human experiences that can be related to trauma, and will demonstrate how to help people change their relationship with these experiences, for example, by collaborating with them in building coherent and compassionate self-narratives that can set the stage for a strong recovery. Dissociation can be a normal response to traumatic stress
Learning Objectives
- Identify three possible interrelationships between trauma, dissociation, and psychosis, including ways that psychosis itself, and reactions to psychosis by others, can be traumatizing.
- Describe a possible causal route from trauma to psychotic experiences, and describe the role of dissociation within that process.
- Plan to integrate CBT for psychosis with various trauma therapies to effectively treat clients who have experienced both trauma and psychosis.
- Demonstrate a collaborative approach to helping clients develop coherent and compassionate stories of trauma and recovery which provide an alternative to both fragmented “psychotic” stories, and to helplessness-inducing “mental illness” stories.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Training (DBT) (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
This is an advanced skill training developed for multi-diagnostic, severely disordered individuals with borderline personality disorder and other problems of emotion dysregulation. Recent studies have shown that DBT skills, when provided in the context of a comprehensive DBT program, are highly effective at reducing suicidal behaviors and improving treatment outcomes. This is for all mental health professionals working with clients/patients and can include: Clinicians, Counselors, Couple and Family Therapists, Health Care Administrators, Mental Health Professionals, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Peer Support Specialists, Child and Family Therapists, School Based Counselors, and Skill Trainers.
Managing Suicidal Behavior (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The training focuses on the management of suicidal behavior from an Acceptance Commitment Therapy model which is an evidence-based practice. In the training he will look at the different types and characteristics of suicidal behavior, discuss the clinical literature regarding prediction and prevention of suicide, and look at suicidal behavior and treatment from an Acceptance Commitment model. ACT focuses on the integration of assessment and treatment. The training will include clinical interventions to best treat suicidal clients and discuss the unintended negative side effects of acute care hospitalizations. The training concludes with a discussion of the issue of litigation and proper documentation.
Todd has done this training 76 times to date in all kinds of clinical setting from community mental health programs, to non-profit behavioral health agencies, to primary care medical homes and emergency departments.
Presentation objectives
- Understand different forms and characteristics of suicidal behavior.
- Appreciate the clinical literature on prediction and prevention of suicidal behavior.
- Learn ACT model related to suicidal behavior and the integration of assessment and treatment.
- Learn clinical interventions to use with suicidal clients and learn about the complex issues about the unintended negative side effects of acute care hospitals.
- Discussion on issues of litigation and proper documentation.
- Understanding core features of effective crisis interventions.
The Golden Thread: How to Weave from Assessment to Treatment Plan to Service Notes
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Presented by Greater Oregon Behavioral Health. Starting with the golden thread from assessment to service plan to service notes. Reducing symptoms and enhancing skills using baseline measurements and supports.
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)
9/25/24 – 9/26/24
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
ASIST is a two-day interactive workshop in suicide first-aid. ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may be at risk of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. For Risk Screeners, Social Workers, Principals, Nurses, SROs, Deans, Assistant, Principal, District/ESD, and After School/Summer Program Coordinators.
Nurtured Heart Training (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
NHA is a powerful set of tools to help you build relationships and is used by parents, teachers and therapists to help children with difficult and intense behaviors.
Connect Suicide Postvention (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Connect is a cross sector training and planning session on how different systems and organizations work together using a planned response protocol to respond to a suicide or any sudden death. For Professionals who may respond to a suicide death in their community including school personnel, social service providers, faith leaders, first responders, mental health professionals, mental health/substance abuse service providers, tribal entities, bereavement specialists, and more.
Foundations of Motivational Interviewing Training (MI) (2 Days)
9/25/24 – 9/26/24
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
This training is focused on building an understanding of the spirit of MI and developing core skills, including using OARS (open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries), responding to the way people talk about change, helping people to make Brief Action Plans, and understanding ‘resistance.’
Oregon Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (OCALM) Training for Trainers (2 Days)
9/25/24 – 9/26/24
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
*Application and approval required prior to registering. Link to application found here.*
The OCALM training covers lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide—and their families—to reduce access, and enhances skills, confidence, and communication methods needed when interacting with those at risk. Upon completion of this training, participants will be prepared to provide the OCALM training to healthcare and direct service providers.
Attachment Based Family Therapy (ABFT) (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
This is an advanced skill empirically informed family therapy model specifically designed to target family and individual processes associated with adolescent suicide and depression. For Counselors, Therapists, Mental Health professionals, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, psychotherapists, Social workers, ER Physicians, Health Care administrators, Primary care physicians.
Public Safety Mental Health First Aid (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
For public safety officers and others working in security or crisis. Teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care. It focuses on the unique experiences and needs of public safety personnel and is a valuable resource that can make a difference in their lives, their coworkers’ and families’ lives, and the communities they serve.
Youth Mental Health First Aid in Spanish (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Primeros Auxilios de Salud Mental (MHFA, por sus siglas en inglés) te enseña cómo identificar, entender y responder ante los signos de un problema de salud mental o de uso de sustancias en adultos. Desarrollarás las habilidades y la confianza que necesitas para acercarte y brindar el apoyo inicial a esas personas que están en problemas. También aprenderás cómo conectarlos con la ayuda apropiada.
MHFA is a training that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges, and builds participants’ skills in providing initial support to those developing a mental health or substance use challenge or in a crisis, and ways to connect them to appropriate help. Training covers signs and symptoms of mental illness, suicide ideation, and substance use.
Youth Mental Health First Aid (1 Day)
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
This training is for general audiences and teaches how to help someone who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge. The training helps you identify, understand and respond to signs of addictions, crisis, and mental health challenges using an action plan. For community members, employers, hospitality staff, Police officers, Veterans and Military members or families, Hospital staff, First responders, Faith leaders, older adult staff, Teachers, School staff, Coaches, Camp counselors, Youth group leaders, and Parents.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for Veterans
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Mental Health First Aid for Veterans, Military Members and their Families teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem, or in a crisis, and how to help connect them to appropriate care. This version covers military culture and its relevance to mental health, as well as risk factors faced by many service members and their families and how to reach out to those who suffer in silence.
AOCMHP Strategic Planning Meeting (2 Days)
9/26/24 – 9/27/2024
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM / 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
*Limited to Members of AOCMHP*
Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs annual strategic planning meeting for members and invited guests.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Summit
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Come join us for the MHFA Summit in Oregon. This event is open to MHFA instructors, MHFA participants, and organizations supporting Mental Health First Aid. There will be opportunities for networking with instructors and professionals from all over Oregon. Instructors will learn about exciting new developments with MHFA and discuss important MHFA topics (including tips for being an effective presenter). We’ll be inviting someone from National Council to share important updates.
Alliance to Prevent Suicide Quarterly Meeting (Half Day)
9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Alliance to Prevent Suicide, the advisory body to the Oregon Health Authority on the Youth Suicide intervention, prevention, and postvention plan and on statewide implementation initiatives, convenes a quarterly meeting for its members and invited guests.
Mobile Crisis Module: Mobile Crisis Response for people with I/DD, the Other Co-occurring Disorder
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
An in depth module on strategies for working with people who have intellectual/developmental disabilities or other cognitive impairment.
Mobile Crisis Module: Family Led Crisis and Safety Planning
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
“Person & Family-Centered Planning” is not just a catchy new phrase in the mental health world for families. During this webinar, we will highlight the importance of family members having active participation and an active role in the design of their mental health crisis plan. Together we will focus on how the family and youth perspective, lived experience and culture can guide effective crisis planning.
Mobile Crisis Module: Strategies for Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals in Crisis
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
An in depth module on strategies for supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals in Crisis
Mobile Crisis Module: Oregon Tribal Crisis Services: Oregon Health Authority Tribal Affairs
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
Mobile Crisis Module: Older Adult Behavioral Health and Crisis Response
9/27/24 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
This 4-hour training module will include the key areas of 1) Cognition & Dementia, 2) Suicide in Older Adults, 3) Depression & anxiety, 4) Substance Use Disorders, 5) Comprehensive geriatric assessment, and including topics of agism, culture, and frailty.
Mobile Crisis Module: Trauma-Informed Reflective Debriefing & Support for Crisis Responders
9/27/24 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
Providing care and support for people in crisis, including many who have experienced violence, abuse and other forms of trauma can be extremely rewarding, emotionally taxing, or both. Many who take on this work have histories of adversity or trauma that can come into play in positive or negative ways. To ensure the health, safety and effective functioning of crisis responders, it is imperative to have routine and effective debriefing and support structures in place. In this highly interactive session, MCIT members, program administrators and team supervisors will learn to recognize the influence of trauma exposure on interventions and interactions along with techniques for remaining grounded and present in the face of trauma-linked reactions and behavior. Through applied scenario-based practice, participants in this session will learn to provide and use reflective debriefing and support to prevent secondary trauma and burnout, to address needs and challenges, and to promote learning and practice improvements for individuals and teams.
Mobile Crisis Module: Cultural Considerations in Crisis Response: An Equity Approach
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
This 4-hour module provides culturally specific strategies for engaging people in crisis, including exploring stigma and bias, system trauma and its impact on behavior, trust and engagement, and unintentional harm to populations caused by helpers. Attendees will learn skills to self-regulate and recognize their own biases.
Mobile Crisis Module: Peers as Part of Crisis Teams
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
This 4-hour module will include Peer Support 101 and 201 as a deeper dive into the profession itself, peers as part of a multidisciplinary team, peers in crisis work, recruiting and sustaining the peer workforce, and peer supervision.
Mobile Crisis Module: Crisis Response Teams & Law Enforcement: An Allied Approach
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
This 4-hour module covers guidance for crisis responders on when to involve Law Enforcement. Topics will include field safety, situational risk factors, potential risks based on diagnosis, history of law enforcement responding to mental health calls, ways to engage your law enforcement community partners.
Mobile Crisis Module: Peer Response and Best Practices in Collaboration with Clinical Teams
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
This module will include best practices for peers on clinical teams and will include a panel of several current peers working in mobile crisis to speak to their experiences (ie., what has been challenging, what has worked well, where are growth opportunities). Information will focus on perspectives of peers working on crisis teams and how to collaborate with other crisis team members to create an effective crisis response.
Outline of topics covered.
- Map of the environment where we are doing our work together.
- Map of the environment in which we are working together
- MCIS >>> MRSS (youth and families specific)
- Roles on multi-disciplinary team serving youth and families
- Services performed by various roles and lens of practice
- A look at power dynamics & qualities of a highly functional team
- Putting this into practice – one county’s structure (Panel)
Who is this training for?
- Clinicians and peers working within mobile crisis system who are
- responding to youth and families in need of crisis support:
- Family peers (FSS)
- Youth peers (YPSS)
- Clinical providers (QMHP, QMHA)
- Supervisors and managers
Mobile Crisis Module: Crisis Response for Veterans, Service Members, and Their Families
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
*Training Limited to Mobile Crisis Teams*
This 4-hour module covers guidance for crisis response to Veterans, Service Members, and their families. It covers the supports and resources for these groups and how to assist these populations in crisis.
Please contact Sierrra at shenderson@aocmhp.org with any questions.