August 12, 2022

Oregon CALM

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Oregon CALM (OCALM) is an Oregon-adapted curriculum of the national CALM (Counseling on Access to Lethal Means) course. OCALM is an 8-hour training developed to assist health care and direct service providers in approaching Lethal Means Counseling with an informed, collaborative, and respectful attitude. It covers who needs lethal means counseling and how to work with people at risk for suicide—and their families—to reduce access.

Oregon CALM has been adapted from the National CALM curriculum to incorporate components of Addressing Firearm Safety with Patients at Risk of Suicide: A Couse for Healthcare Providers in Rural Areasand research with Oregon rural firearm owners. Key concepts are conveyed through Oregon-specific research, video demonstrations, and practice scenarios.

Oregon CALM is a suicide prevention training that is neither anti-gun nor anti-medication. Given the focus on lethal means counseling, course content and discussions will cover these topics in depth.

After completing this course, you will

  • Understand why means matter, as evidenced by local and national data and current relevant research
  • Know the most effective and culturally appropriate ways to address lethal means with firearms owners
  • Have increased confidence in conducting lethal means counseling related to firearms, medications, and other means with clients at risk of suicide

This training is not intended for the general public. Oregon CALM is developed to assist health care and direct service providers who work with individuals who may be at risk of suicide:

  • Primary care & physical health providers
  • Mental and behavioral health providers
  • Peer support workers
  • Case managers
  • Social service professionals

Please contact Lucina Armstrong Michaud at to find out about training opportunities or to explore planning a training for your organization.

Oregon Community OCALM

Oregon Community CALM Conversations on Lethal Means is a 2-hour workshop designed to help family, friends, and community members have life-saving conversations with individuals who may be thinking of suicide or during times of crisis.

Anyone 18 years or older can learn these community helper skills that have an added focus on reducing access to lethal means, especially firearms and medications; however, Oregon Community CALM is neither anti-gun nor anti-medication. This training is based on the provider-focused Oregon CALM training and research with Oregonians who own firearms.

What you’ll learn:

  • When to act to support loved ones
  • Creative solutions for reducing access to lethal means
  • Oregon-specific research and community considerations
  • How to raise the topic of suicide and lethal means
  • How to assist and connect individuals to support

Oregon Community CALM has been adapted with permission from CALM America by the Oregon Health Authority, Association of Oregon Community Mental Health Programs, and Incite Agency for Change.

Please contact Lucina Armstrong Michaud at to find out about training opportunities or to explore planning a training for your community.

Oregon CALMNational CALM
Live / synchronous trainingOn-demand training
CEUs available from OR NASW and MHACBOCertificate of Completion provided
8 hours (including 45 minute lunch break)2 hours, self-paced
Local data and contextNational data
Hands-on experience through role plays and case scenarios, with coaching from trainerRecorded case scenarios
Additional focus on rural cultural context around suicide and firearms 
Cost variesFree of cost

To learn more or to access the national CALM training, click here.

Please contact Lucina Armstrong Michaud for more information: